Sibyl Heijnen
NewsBergkerk 2024REMIXProjectsVideosAboutBergkerk 2023Contact

Visual Artist

Sibyl Heijnen



in China




2nd International Contemporary Material Art Biennale

Bergkerk 2024

The Church sounds

See, hear, feel: searching for the soul of the Bergkerk

Visual artist Sibyl Heijnen places the beautiful Bergkerk (Deventer NL) in a new context. Applying reused materials in her art creates a surprising dialogue about sustainability. Reuse has a double message and function: it shows the beauty of the material and emphasises the eternal cycle of matter.

Experience and influence the dynamic space by walking across and along the path of tin, artificial grass, branching and greenery and become aware of man's impact on nature. See, hear and feel the soul of the Mountain Church. Besides regular opening hours, various events are organised in the setting of the art installation.

Walk through the church together with Sibyl Heijnen and listen together to the sounds composed by Nicholas Robert Thayer. Or stay overnight and experience the change in light and sound at sunset and sunrise.

Zien, horen, voelen: zoeken naar de ziel van de Bergkerk

Beeldend kunstenaar Sibyl Heijnen plaatst de prachtige Bergkerk in een nieuwe context. Door hergebruikte materialen toe te passen in haar kunst ontstaat er een verrassende dialoog over duurzaamheid. Hergebruik heeft een dubbele boodschap en functie: het laat de schoonheid van het materiaal zien en benadrukt de eeuwige kringloop van materie.

Beleef en beïnvloed de dynamische ruimte door over en langs het pad van blik, kunstgras, vertakkingen en groen te wandelen en word bewust van de impact van de mens op de natuur. Zie, hoor en voel de ziel van de Bergkerk. Naast de reguliere openingstijden, worden er diverse evenementen georganiseerd in het decor van de installatie.

Wandel samen met Sibyl Heijnen door de kerk en luister samen naar de klanken gecomponeerd door Nicholas Robert Thayer. Of blijf overnachten en beleef de verandering in licht en geluid bij zonsondergang en zonsopkomst.

More information pleas scroll to the videos below

REMIX Museum de Fundatie Zwolle

Fundatie Collectie: REMIX - Met Kent Chan, Sibyl Heijnen, Richard Hutten, Aram Lee, Michael Tedja

In Fundatie Collection - REMIX, five artists (Kent Chan, Sibyl Heijnen, Richard Hutten, Aram Lee and Michael Tedja) have been invited to explore, investigate and complement the Fundatie Collection with challenging new work. This Remix brings new stories, connections and perspectives.

Remix is the first exhibition of a series of exhibitions around the thematic focus for 2024: Collection Building. These exhibitions create new perspectives, looking at the Fundation Collection from different angles that are relevant today.

Old or new, close to home or from afar, works from the collection tell new stories. Links between seemingly contradictory works are exposed by making historical and geographical distinctions disappear.

The gaze of Chan, Heijnen, Hutten, Lee and Tedja leads to new focal points, putting both forgotten and well-known collection pieces in a new light.

More info Museum de Fundatie Zwolle Remix and scroll down to videos



In search of the soul of the Bergkerk


Collected Scenery


History Speaking

Stedelijk Museum Kampen NL Aldermans Hall


Room for reflection Venice

Palazzo Bembo Venice


Look! Sibyl Heijnen

National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto


Room for reflection

Museum de Fundatie Heino Wijhe Blauwe Kamer


Nativity Scene Almelo Kerststal


Room for reflection

Museum de Fundatie Heino Tuinzaal


New Start

Former monastery 'Maria Ad Fontes', Ootmarsum, NL



2024 See, hear, feel part two

The church sounds

2023 See, hear, feel

In search of the soul of the Bergkerk

5 Projects from Kyoto to Venice

Collected Scenery

History Speaking Aldermans Room

Stedelijk Museum Kampen

History Speaking Genius Loci

Stedelijk Museum Kampen

Expressive Silence

Room for reflection

Museum de Fundatie

Nativity Scene



Council Chamber City Hall, Almelo

Compilation of Art Works curtains and dividers


Sibyl Heijnen was born in Kerkrade, The Netherlands. She went to the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and applied herself to monumental textile design and painting. She took also all the opportunities to qualify in a great number of other disciplines.

The passion for her work brought her quick success. As a young artist she won the prestigious Jugend Gestaltet price in Munich, Germany and in Japan she got the Excellent Award.

Japan embraces still the talent of Sibyl Heijnen. Often she exhibits in leading galleries and important museums. But also in other parts of the world she has a good reputation.

Sibyl Heijnen had studios in Tilburg, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Venlo before she settled in Almelo. There she converted a former factory building into an efficient and inspiring working place for her monumental art.

Bergkerk 2023

Zien, horen, voelen: zoeken naar de ziel van de Bergkerk
Een interdisciplinaire samenwerking met o.a. beeldend kunstenaar Sibyl Heijnen en componist Nicholas Robert Thayer, waarbij de verschillende kunstvormen een zintuiglijke totaalbeleving vormen. Het kijken en luisteren verrassen continu. Door de diversiteit aan gebruikte materialen zoals perkament, kunstgras, rubber en bladgoud. En door de muziek die permanent hoorbaar is, via sensoren die reageren op de lichtinval en lichtintensiteit.

Check regelmatig deze site of de QR code voor meer informatie en live events tijdens zonsopgang en zonsondergang

See, hear, feel: search for the soul of the Bergkerk An interdisciplinary collaboration with visual artist Sibyl Heijnen and composer Nicholas Robert Thayer, in which the various art forms form a sensory, total experience. Looking and listening continuously surprise. Through the diversity of materials used such as parchment, artificial grass, rubber and gold leaf. And by the music that is permanently audible, via sensors that respond to the incidence and intensity of light.

Please check regularly this site or the QR code for updates en live events!

Click here to subscribe to the newsletter.

Zien, horen, voelen: zoeken naar de ziel van de Bergkerk ​
Locatie: Bergkerk (Bergkerkplein 1), Deventer. Data: 15 april tot en met 30 juni 2023

Tijdens de expositieperiode zijn er van zonsopgang tot zonsondergang en andersom regelmatig bijzondere evenementen in de Bergkerk.

SEE, hear, feel: search for the soul of the Bergkerk Location: Bergkerk, (Bergkerkplein 1), Deventer Dates: 15 April to 30 June 2023

During the exhibition period, there are regularly special events in the Bergkerk from sunrise to sunset and vice versa.


Hillenraadt 6

7608 NC Almelo

The Netherlands

